Minimum wages in the netherlands gross from july 1, 2023

The Netherlands’ minimum wage depends on the age of the employee. Minimum Wages in the Netherlands gross from July 1, 2023.

The minimum wage per hour in the Netherlands  is not included in the law, but it can be calculated. This can be done by dividing the minimum wage per week by the number of hours for a full working week.

In the agricultural sector, the norm is 38 hours per week. Below you will find the gross hourly wages from 1 July 2023. The hourly wages in the table have been rounded up. The wages per month, week and day you will find the official amounts.


Age Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly
21 years and older € 1995 € 460,40 € 92,08 € 12,12
20 years old € 1596 € 368,30 € 73,66 € 9,70
19 years old € 1197 € 276,25 € 55,25 € 7,27
18 years old € 997,50 € 230,20 € 46,04 € 6,06


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